
Showing posts from July, 2017

4X4 Keypad Input Display Through OLED

In this tutorial basically we’re going to learn how to take input from keypad and show it on our desired OLED display. For this i would suggest you see my other tutorials as prerequisite  Keypad Tutorial  and  OLED Display Tutorial If you miss these tutorial you might not be able to do this. Step 1: Working With the Oled DIsplay Including Library: Both libraries below needs to be installed before you are able to continue with this instructable.  (SSD1306 library)  (GFX library) The connections from the display: VCC to arduino 5v GND to arduino GND SCL to arduino pin A5 SDA to arduino pin A4 Library Correction : For Adafruit_SSD1306 Library: Go to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\Adafruit_SSD1306 Open Adafruit_SSD1306.h (in a text editor like Notepad++ for example) Find and comment out the line: #define SSD130...

Home About Contact Using Minim OSD in NAZA

So if you dont wanna break your bank for an iOSD module for you DJI Naza , here are some simple (yet DIY complicated) stuffs to follow. NOTE: TRY AT YOUR OWN RISK (VERY LOW RISK IF YOU FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS PRECISELY WITHOUT ERRORS OR SYNC FAILURE. YET, I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR A FRIED NAZA, THERMONUCLEAR WAR OR YOU NEIGHBORS DEAD CAT DIY project that shall make it possible to connect DJI Naza-M (v1, v1 Lite, v2) with MinimOSD using either: Arduino board (Pro Mini, 16Mhz, 5V) and serial connection (works with DJI Naza-M v1, v1 Lite and v2) Teensy 3.1 board + TeensyDuino (tested with version 1.20) + CAN transciever and CAN connection (works with DJI Naza-M v1 and v2 with PMU, does not work with v1 Lite). I did not test in flight, all the tests were done on the ground. It converts data from Naza GPS/FC data into Mavlink and provides the following information via the MAVLink GPS_RAW_INT, ATTITUDE, VFR_HUD, SYS_STATUS and RC_CHANNELS_RAW messages: latitude longit...